NEIA’s Newleef 2020 Virtual Edition

2020-12-09 - 2020-12-31


Register to access all 16 presentations for viewing at a time most convenient for you!

Newleef is Newfoundland & Labrador's green economy and clean technology conference - the one event during the year that brings environmental entrepreneurs, professionals, researchers, decision-makers, regulators, support agencies, and other stakeholders in the province together to network and learn about current trends and opportunities in the sector.

As part of the 16 presentations available, you’ll hear information relating to #NL on topics such as; Electrification, Hydrogen, Offshore CleanTech & more!

Visit to view the content in detail & register and gain access to all of the content immediately!

2020-12-09 - 2020-12-31
Industry Events
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